After deducting foreign importations of spirits, say
to the amount of
six millions of gallons, and allow-
ing for four millions produced
from foreign molasses,
there would still remain forty millions of
manufactured from our own materials. Does not
astound us with its enormity, and alarm us with
its terrific
An excise of one shilling a gallon, would produce
a revenue of five
millions of dollars a year. Double
the duty, and you will raise a
fund that will pay
off the national debt, and line and intersect
country in all directions with canals and roads.
Every considerable increase in the price of any
article, tends to
check its consumption. And hence,
the revenue of the country would
be an auxiliary to
its morality—a noble union in the eye of a
I am particularly obliged by thy kind attention,
in sending me a copy
of thy last work on penal juris-
prudence. I have read it with
peculiar satisfaction,
and, considering that the circulation of it
would be
highly useful in this country, it is intended to
five hundred copies immediately printed, to be sent
persons of influence in the different states, who are
to be friendly to the improvement of the
tentiary system.
It is expected the prison in Philadelphia
bably be completed this year. I am well satisfied
the plan they propose, of having the convicts closely
confined in the cells, to work during the day, is wrong;
and I have no doubt they will abandon it in a year
or two. Let them sleep in their respective cells, and
work during the day in the yard and shops, attended