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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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Asylum, at Aversa

, to give you the information you
require, but I will make it my business to obtain
every particular in my power, and transmit the
result to you by the first opportunity.

I thank you for the package, and the maps which
points out the route of the canal; it is a most magni-
ficent undertaking, and I trust will answer the ex-
pectations of the promoters of it.

I am extremely sorry, that my absence from

, deprived me of seeing the young gentlemen
you mention, and of showing them such little atten-
tions as might have been in my power.

Pray remember me most kindly, to our mutual
friend, Grellet

; tell him I regret to say, that all the
good he has so anxiously strove to do to this wretch-
ed country, has vanished into nothing. I hope
Grellet received the books I sent him several months
ago through Allen.

Believe me, yours truly, H. LUSHINGTON.
To Mr. THOMAS EDDY, New York. Albany, 23d December, 1822. DEAR SIR,

William S. Burling

lately solicited me to recom-
mend to our friend Colven, the introduction of a plan
for laying an excise on spirituous liquors, and I part-
ly promised him that I would; but on further reflec-
tion, I consider it most suitable that the overture
should emanate from his constituents, and with this
view I now write to you.

In some well written essays, published on this sub-
ject in Walsh's paper, it was estimated that fifty
millions of gallons of spirituous liquors are annually
consumed in the United States, at an expense of
thirty millions of dollars, and with the sacrifice of
thirty thousand lives. If this be only an approxima-
tion to the truth, what a field for reflection does it
open to the moralist and the statesman.