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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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more severely felt, and the term of imprisonment
might be shortened. I interested myself in vain
with our government, to have the prison lately built
at Auburn

, divided throughout into rooms, to accom-
modate only one prisoner; they however agreed to
have 140 such rooms, in order to keep separate the
most abandoned characters. In a late conversation
with our Governor, he regretted very much that the
prison had not been built agreeably to the plan
recommended by me. I am perfectly satisfied that
until all our prisons are on this plan, the expecta-
tions of those who are desirous of a rational reform
will not be answered. If you should succeed in
obtaining an alteration of your penal laws, it would
be a fortunate circumstance, if your prisons should
be calculated throughout on the plan of rooms to
lodge one person.

I inclose thee a printed copy of a paper read before
the Governors of the New York Hospital

, in which
I recommended them to erect an extensive Asylum
for Lunatics, and have now the satisfaction to state,
that they have purchased thirty-four acres of land,
near the city, and have commenced ereting a build-
ing for the accommodation of 300 insane patients, and
intend to pursue the same mild plan of treatment
as adopted at the retreat, near York, in England.

One section of the grand canal, intended to con-
nect the waters of Lake Erie with the Hudson River,
will be completed this year—this section commences
at Utica

, on the Mohawk River, and extends to Sene-
ca River, about fifteen miles west of Onondaga Lake,
a distance of seventy miles.

Thy affectionate friend,THOMAS EDDY.

A List of Pamphlets sent William Roscoe, Esq.

A Memorial and Petition of the Society of Friends,
by B. Bates.