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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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work may be ruined by men, who in England

called Oppositionists or Reformers, (in America, De-
mocrats,) and who, actuated by an overstrained zeal,
do not know how to take hold of things at the right
time; like many religious zealots, they press on the
people more than they are able to bear. The light
with which Providence has been pleased to enlight-
en the minds of men, as it regards moral or reli-
gious truths, is gradual—as was the commencement
of the abolition of slavery. If the good people in
England, who are now engaged in endeavouring to
effect an alteration in the penal system, act wisely,
they will be exceedingly prudent and cautious not
to press for too much in their first application—
eventually they must succeed in so righteous a cause.

I expect thou wilt procure a fund of information,
relating to public institutions, particularly Lunatic
Asylums. I requested of thee, if thou shouldst visit

, to find out, if in thy power, on what account
it is, that Samuel Tuke seems offended with me—it
may be for my publishing one of his letters to me,
in doing which I conceived it was promoting the
public good by using his name. I am very sorry, if
in any way, his feelings have been hurt, owing to any
part of my conduct.

I hope thou arrived in London

in time for the
Annual Meeting of the Bible Society, and also for our
yearly meeting—do they manage their matters bet-
ter in London than with us? The last London print-
ed epistle, was not printed by our yearly meeting as
usual; this was opposed by E. Hicks, Willet, and
others of his disciples, on account of it containing
some pointed good remarks, on the observance of the
First Day—it was advocated by G. Dillwyn, &c. &c.,
but they were obliged to yield, in order to preserve
peace and harmony.

For some days past, we have had the company of
J. Wistar

, T. Stewardson, William Newbould, Samuel
, and R. Hartshorn, appointed by the Indian com-