attended to at the time they were
brought forward;
but the public mind in this country, and
the Parliament, do not see good objects quickly.
proposition was made, when a leading member
brought in a
bill for amending the Poor Laws in 1806,
which did not pass the Lower House. Three
ago, the establishment of local banks for
originated in Scotland
had predicted) rendered manifest, they got a footing
in this country. They have recently been recognized
by government, and there are now about two hun-
dred establishments in different parts of Great Britain
and Ireland
tous, and the organization of a nature not to ensure
permanency, (which was the main feature in my
plan,) I doubt their success on the present footing.
A gentleman of the name of Woodson
sed an improvement. He sent me his pamphlet, (a
copy of which I inclose you,) requesting at the same
time, that my assistance and influence might be
exerted in his behalf. He thought he had made a
new discovery, but was surprised when I showed
him that I had brought forward a similar plan
twelve years ago. I assured him, however, of my
co-operation, and he is now attempting to carry his
plan into effect. If it succeeds, it will be one of the
best establishments which was ever made, for the
purpose of giving provident habits to the poor, and
of rendering them independent of parish relief, which
adds greatly in other respects to their comfort.
Having now reached the seventy-fourth year of my
age, and having
resolved, as soon as I can, in conse-
quence of declining health, to
resign all my public
laborious situations, and to devote my
remaining life
to charitable objects only; in the contemplation
this retirement, a friend of mine wished to possess
papers, that he might give a brief view of my
public life. This he
has done, and I hasten to send
you a copy of it, from which you will
see that I have