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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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lately so much improved in strength, as, not only to
walk, but even to run, nearly as fast as any of the
bank companies; in proof of which, I readily admit
a declared dividend of eight per cent, for the last
year, to be very good evidence.

We sent our circular letters, with copies of our
proceedings, to Mr. Wright

, Mr. Geddes, Mr. Forman,
and to various persons in other quarters. On the 6th
instant, I received a letter from Mr. Wright, dated at
Rome, on the 3d instant, in which he says, When
I had the pleasure of seeing you in Albany, in No-
vember, I promised to write upon the subject of the
canal from Erie. I have delayed until now, be-
cause we, in this part of the country, have delayed
acting; and the memorial from New York, and the
doings of the meeting at Geneva, has aroused to
exertions; and, yesterday, Mr. G. Huntington, and
myself, made a visit to Utica, for the purpose of
meeting the gentlemen there, and conferring on
this very important subject. Those gentlemen met
us, and a rough draft of a memorial was drawn
up, and will be circulated rapidly, and soon be laid
before the legislature.

From this extract it appears that Mr. Wright

, and
his friends, were in a profound sleep, until awak-
ened by the proceedings in New York, and in this

I fear there is too much apathy every where, in
regard to this great state object; and that I shall be
disappointed in my expectations of the quantity of
public opinion that will be carried into the legisla-
ture. We are collecting the petitions, circulated for
signature in this neighbourhood, and, in a day or
two, they will be forwarded to Albany

The expense that would attend the appointment
of a committee to go to Albany, and there act as
lobby members, in favour of the canal, utterly for-
bids the adoption of such a measure in this county.

I think I shall be able to procure the information