thy colleagues have so
successfully began, is the
sincere and earnest wish of,
Person Information
Person Information
Place Information
P.S. I refer you to the annexed copy of my letter
written from
Place Information
Place Information
of August. I find since my return home, that Mr.
Person Information
theless making progression, collecting various publi-
cations to be sent you; and as soon as I have the
pleasure of seeing him, I will take measures for the
purpose of conveying them to you. London
Place Information
Your excellent work on the state prison of New
Place Information
importance, by several very elevated characters in this
country, that a proposition has been made to reprint
it. It is now in the hands of the members for the
Home Department, through whose medium, I trust,
and ardently hope, it may be rendered useful in this
country. According to your desire, I have occasion-
ally been employed, for some time past, in collecting
every publication which appears to me to bear on
subjects of this nature, as well as on other topics of
political economy, which have appeared to me to be
analogous. The whole are sent in a box addressed
to you, by this opportunity, in conformity to a list
now inclosed; and I have particularly to request that
you will accept of them from me, as a mark of my
esteem and regard.
You will trace in these various tracts a very great
portion of zeal
and genuine philanthropy, as well as
strong marks of extensive
reading and profound
knowledge, on subjects calculated to promote
the com-
fort and happiness of society, in every part of
civilized world.