Bible Societies throughout the
Christian world, have
been, in the hands of Providence, the means of
ing a union of Christians, who, once widely sepa-
from each other, by countries, forms, and names,
have daily
approximated, and coalesced, as it were,
into one spiritual body,
proclaiming to the world,
that the true and invisible church, is
not to be re-
stricted by the narrow limits of any particular sect,
or outward form,
but comprehends all the genuine
worshippers of our God, and his
Christ, in every part
of the habitable globe. How cheering,
how anima-
ting are the happy effects, prospectively, that
result from supplying the poor and destitute with
book, which contains the words, the sayings,
and testimonies of God,
pointing out a direct, plain,
and luminous path to immortality,
promising the
assistance, and requiring submission to the
spirit that inspired the holy penmen.
In the present enlightened period, when peace per-
vades the whole
world, is it too much to indulge the
hope, that the time is not
very remote, when the pro-
shall be fulfilled—Nation shall not lift
sword against nation, neither shall they learn war
more.—Though the Prince of this world may
still have
rule among the people, we may in the
spirit of meekness pray—thy kingdom come.—We
may hope, that
predisposing causes, in the hand of
divine Providence, may effect
such a universal
change in the minds of men, as will finally
pate the root of bitterness, and every evil passion
serves to engender wars and fightings; and in room
men may learn to love each other, which is
the essential and true
mark of a disciple and follower
of the Prince of Peace.
From observations made upon the state of society
in the city of New-York
clusion, that one great cause of crime was pauperism,
which, in most instances in this country, arose from
ignorance in the poorer classes of the people; and, that