state, who have zealously given their personal
tions and services to this herculean undertaking, and
whom too much praise cannot be ascribed: so
great is the number
composing this class, that I am
compelled, at this time, to forbear
from their enume-
ration. The commissioners of the canal fund,
distinguished from that of Canal Commissioners, and
of the Lieutenant Governor, the Comptrol-
ler, the Attorney General,
the Surveyor General, the
Secretary and Treasurer, to whose special
care are
committed the regulations of the tolls, and other
cumstances relating to the government of the canal,
entitled to high approbation, for their intelligent
and faithful
discharge of the duties assigned them.
To all these different
classes of coadjutors, may be
ascribed a high and enviable measure
of applause.
The sagacity of some, in early perceiving the prac-
ticability, and
utility, of the inland communication;
the diligence and zeal of
others, in unremitted exer-
tions to accomplish it; and the devotion
and sacri-
fices of all to its completion, will be remembered
their successors with everlasting gratitude.
We, fortunately, have been able to get Mr. Eddy
own account of his share in the great work of the
Erie Canal.
I was one (says he) of the first Directors of the
Western Inland Lock
Navigation Company, and con-
tinued as a Director, and Treasurer,
until the com-
pany disposed of their property to the state, in
I applied myself, with much zeal,
in forwarding the
views of the company, and in improving the
nal navigation of the state. Our funds were
sufficient to extend any improvement, further than
a few
miles west of Rome
their service, William Weston
from England
ral Schuyler
to the westward, in order to explore and examine
the country, as far as Seneca Lake, in order to ascer-