prayer of which was for an extension of these
for fifty years, and it was allowed. The indefati-
philanthropist did not become wearied in his
cause, for in 1810 he again succeeded in getting an
additional sum
of three thousand five hundred dol-
lars for ten years, or during the
pleasure of the legis-
lature ; at this time, the Hospital
Place Information
of sixteen thousand dollars a year. This last act of
the Assembly was repealed in 1817, and the income
from the State reduced to twelve thousand five hun-
dred dollars.
Early in the year 1815, Mr. Eddy
Person Information
communication to the Governors of the Hospital
Place Information
which enforced the propriety of introducing an in-
stitution for lunatic patients, more extensive than
had heretofore been in existence in this country.
The communication is full of good sense without any
pretensions; and, although all the sentiments it con-
tains are now familiar to us, they were novel then
to most of those who had paid attention to the sub-
ject of insanity. This communication is mentioned
in the history of the hospital, and the proceedings
had thereon.
An appeal was again made to the legislature for
assistance, and Mr. Eddy
Person Information
to Albany
Place Information
clined for various reasons. It is a painful and labo-
rious task to attend a winter session of a delibera-
tive body, and he thought he had done more than
his share of this labour. No one can tell how irksome
it is to talk with hundreds of persons, clothed with
authority, often captious, sometimes suspecting self-
ishness, and generally impatient listeners, when
caught in the lobbies or out of doors; and then it is
natural for every man to feel an aversion to any one
who often comes on errands of solicitation. To do
much and offend but few, was the peculiar gift of
Mr. Eddy
Person Information
Place Information
not vote to relieve him from this duty, but particular-