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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Travels in Some Parts of North America

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printing paper, with large quantities of which he
supplies the printers and stationers in Philadelphia.
During the visit he gave me a little history of his
life. About 20 years ago, being then 12 years of
age, he left Mentz, his native place in Germany,
accompanied by his father, who died on the pas-
sage to this country. Being of that class of emi-
grants called redemptioners already mentioned,
P. W. on the arrival of the ship in the Delaware,
was hired by Henry Drinker

, and was employed
about the house as a waiting boy, and assistant to
the girls in the kitchen. After spending nearly
four months in this family, and having acquired the
English language, he had the good sense to dis-
cern, that it would be more to his interest to be
taught some manufacture; and requested liberty
of his master to be put apprentice to a paper-
maker, which was readily granted, although his
first indenture was not yet expired. After having
obtained a knowledge of the manufacture of paper,
he, by industry and care, acquired sufficient pro-
perty and credit to enable him to begin business;
which he has now, for several years, carried on to
advantage. I never was in a paper-mill where
the business was managed with more neatness and
order. As I sat in the house it was pleasant to
reflect on such an instance of successful industry.
He has a rising family of healthy looking children
about him, with an amiable wife and several