Person Information
Emperor, A. W. has had an opportunity of ac-
knowledging, and of returning his kindness. The
Person Information
from Philadelphia, having his wife and family
with him. Several friends paid a good deal of
attention to them, on a count of his humane and
generous conduct. Thus this little act of genero-
sity to an unprotected stranger, proved the cause of
many kind attentions to himself and family, when
the scene was changed, and when he, from being a
victorious General, commanding a powerful army,
was become an exile in a foreign land. This little
history affords a useful lesson to men in power.
3d Month, 27th,
pamphlets on the Slave Trade, at the author's
Place Information
was employed in writing to my
family and friends in England; and, with my
ters I forwarded a number of John
Person Information
pamphlets on the Slave Trade, at the author's
3d Month, 29th.
, and observed in his
yard a Negro of an interesting countenance. On
inquiring who he was, H. B. informed me, that a
few days ago the poor man came up from Dela-
ware State, and, at the recommendation of his
brother, H. B. had taken him into his family for
protection. At the same time he related to me
the following narrative:--Some time since the
Place Information
I supped and spent the even-
ing at R. B.'s, at Merion
Place Information
yard a Negro of an interesting countenance. On
inquiring who he was, H. B. informed me, that a
few days ago the poor man came up from Dela-
ware State, and, at the recommendation of his
brother, H. B. had taken him into his family for
protection. At the same time he related to me
the following narrative:--Some time since the