already finished, in a convenient, and indeed, in a
style, yet a great deal remains to be done
before the whole will be
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After dining at Washington
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accompanied by E. W. and his wife, from their
own habitation, where I lodged last night. E. W.
gave me an affecting account of a black slave,
residing near his house, who is a pattern of inte-
grity and industry. Such is the confidence re-
posed in him by his master, that for many years
past it has been his practice to send this slave to
Baltimore, with his waggon laden with various
kinds of produce, the sale of which he intrusts to
this black man; also the care of receiving and
bringing home the money; by which means it fre-
quently happens that large sums of money pass
through his hands. This service he has performed
so much to the satisfaction of his master, that he
scarcely ever ventures to employ any other person
for these purposes.
This faithful slave has a wife and a large family
of children, who reside in
a hut close by his mas-
ter's house. He is allowed a small portion of
weekly to do something for himself and family;
and being
frequently employed by the neighbours
to do little errands for them in
Baltimore, he has,