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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Travels in Some Parts of North America

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past; but, before we got many miles, it sometimes
happened that the tables were turned; and the winds
would favour us to get before those who had so
recently derided us. To persons disposed to
moralize, there was somewhat instructive in these
changes of scene; as we may not unfrequently
observe similar occurrences in our passage through

10th, Month, 25th.

I arrived at Hudson

in the afternoon, and paid for my passage, of
about 150 miles, one dollar and a half; and was
charged three quarters of a dollar per day for
board and liquor during the voyage. As we
were about leaving the sloop, a boy came on
board, and abruptly told the young woman, our
fellow-passenger, that her sister, whom she was
come to see, had just breathed her last. That
proved more than the poor girl could bear; and
she was not in a situation to leave the vessel while
I staid. It was a great pity that more caution
was not observed in conveying such afflictive intel-
ligence. In stepping ashore at Hudson, one of the
first persons I met with was George Bunker, the
first mate of the ship in which I came over
to America, whose family reside here. He
kindly sent his son as my guide to T. C.'s, whence
I went that evening to H. M.'s, and lodged at his
house on the banks of Claverick Creek.