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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Travels in Some Parts of North America

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river, the scenery and prospects are in many
places grand and beautiful in a high degree; espe-
cially in sailing by the Highlands, Stoney Point,
and the Katskill Mountains. Sometimes, for a
considerable distance, the rocks rise from the edge
of the river, in bold, lofty precipices, similar to
those of Middleton Dale, in Derbyshire; and the
river, in many parts, is from one to two miles
over. This gives room for the vessels, which
navigate the river, to pass and repass each other
without danger; although the number is said to be
upwards of 1600. They consist chiefly of sloops
of about 70 tons burthen; yet large ships are occa-
sionally seen as high up as Hudson's and Athens,
being about 150 miles up the country. In sailing
on this river, we sometimes had the sight of 15 or 20
vessels within a short distance of us; and Captain

mentioned that he had sometimes seen 30
in company. Although this river is pretty straight,
in general, yet it frequently winds its way between
lofty rocks and mountains, which cause a variety
of currents in the wind, so as to require a good
deal of care and management to work the vessels
to advantages. It was amusing sometimes to ob-
serve that, while we lay becalmed on one side of the
stream under a lofty rock, the vessels which hap-
pened to be on the contrary side, would skim past
us like an arrow, with a fair wind, leaving us far
behind; and at the same time the company would
divert themselves at our difficulties as they glided