revolution. His sister told me that on William
Penn's arrival
in America, he lodged at her great
grandfather's at Merion. At that time
her grand-
father was a boy of about 12 years old; and being
a lad of
some curiosity, and not often seeing such
a guest as Wm. Penn, he privately
crept to the
chamber door, up a flight of steps, on the outside of
building, which was only a log-house. On peep-
ing through the latchet-hole,
he was struck with
awe, in beholding this great man upon his knees,
the bedside; and could distinctly hear him in
prayer, and thanksgiving,
that he was thus pro-
vided for in the wilderness. This circumstance
made an impression upon the lad's mind, which
was not effaced in old