thus, a second time, been the means of bringing
into his mind
a train of serious reflections, he con-
cluded to bury this dry bone which
had so power-
fully preached to him. He covered it carefully
up in the
earth, and went home, enjoying the
pleasing reflection of having performed
this last
office to the remains of a fellow-creature. Such,
were the weight and solemnity occasioned
by the impressions of his mind
from this circum-
stance, that a total change in his life and
succeeded; and, shortly after, he joined friends
became a valuable minister in the society.
Some mention is made of this
friend, I believe in
Thomas Chalkley's Journal. His name was Peter
I still remained at Merion
and, this morning, attended meeting there. In the
afternoon, I had the curiosity to take a view of a
large methodist
camp meeting; which had been continued about
a week, almost night and day. The concourse of
people was very great; and numbers of them, it
was said, had come several hundred miles to attend
the meeting. Many tents and huts were erected
on the spot; and a great number of carriages of
various descriptions, such as coaches, coachees,
chairs, covered waggons, carts, &c. &c. were col-
lected under the shade of a lofty forest. From
some conversation I had with one of the conductors