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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Letter from Henry Simmons to Israel Chapin

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Coniscotago 3rd. Mo. 25th. 1799.Respected Friend,

I have made free to write a few Lines, and do inform
thee, I have been stationed during this Winter, at Cornplanters Vil-

, about 9 miles from my two companions, in the Exercise of Edu-
cating the Indian Children, not only in Litural knowledge, but, also, in
other useful arts, It being the most Eligible place for the purpose, who impr-
oves as rapid as can be expected, Although at times (I do confess) my Oc-
cupation is very trying, and Exercising, even to my very Soul; Yet by
the help of God: Do I hope to remain steadfast in the Faith, and in
the dive of my Duty Business, wherewith I am called; not doubting
the Lord's Providence over me, in the discharge of any Duty to Him,
among the natives of this Mountainous Country; far distant from my
near & Dear Relations and former Friends -

Be pleased to favour me with a few Lines, by the Bearer, of
information, respecting Oneida

, whether their Mill is compleated, and how
many of our Society, at the present, are stationed there, and whether Sken-
, & Antony & Christian (the Principal Chiefs) are yet Living; and
whether thous canst perceive any alteration amoung them, for the bet-
ter, Or whether thou apprehends our Labour all Vain, which
we have bestowed amongst them. I can truly say my mind is often
wafted over the Mountains, to Oneida, with an Eye of Compassion
towards the natives there, with desires for their lasting Welfare.

I am in Heart, my affectionate Friend. Henry Simmons Jun.
Israel Chapin

P.S. Cornplanter

, informed me yesterday, they had lately re-
ceived an Express, that their money had arrived a Canandarqua,
And requested one to write to thee, on his behalf, in the following Wor
ds, to shew thee the reasons of his not attending thither himself,
(i.e.) He is not shure the Money is yet come, and he has under
stood, that the Buffalo Indians are desireous of holding the Coun
cil at their Village, which if it is, he knows there will be much Dru-
nkenness among them, as it has hitherto been the case, which he does
not want to see. And rather Sensures thee on that account,
for not using thy Power, especially at such times, to suppress
that Evil habit among them - he knows that if the Council is held
there the Chiefs will hardly keep sober, and if they do not, he is certain
they will be incapable of making a just division of the Money; which
he thinks is his right, for as he has heretofore been called to all the Treaties
on Business of Importance, and the Arduous part thereof have fell
on his shoulders &c. He wishes thee to know the number of People
who are under his care, which is 362 Souls, Eight of whom he has sent for
the Money, and two others to carry their provisions, his own Son, &
Strong, he wants them to know the Sum of Money, in Each man's
Pack, that none may get lost, and desires thee to dispatch them as
soon as practicable, and to have the oversight of them, whilst there, that they may
not get Drunk. He also desires thee to send him Word by Letter, at the return
of his people, how matters are circumstanced between him and Robert Morris, who
he says respecting some small matters betwixt them - H.S.