I think best of further describing the
new house we are settled in, and its
tuation. It is a pretty Commodious
two story Log house 22 by 36
feet, the
Floors and partitions laid rough until
the Floor season, the
Lower story is intended
to be finished this summer, and the re
Work of the House next
Winter. It is divided into a Parlour,
and two Chambers. One of the
Rooms is occupied by my husband
and I,
the other by Cousin, up stairs
one fine place, 4 rooms intended ,where
the Men sleep. The small hosue where
the Young Men lived before the
into this is occupied by a white fa
mily who has undertaken to
20 Acres of Land this Summer, and
are now engaged in it. When
that is
done, the House finished, and some other
improvements made, it
will be a
handsome place. With the mills about
30 Veareh from the
house, South West corner