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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Account of Rachel Coope (Journal B)

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us to the next house, which was about
8 miles. at 11 OClock we bid our kind
fnd s farewell and pursued our Journey,
Cousin and I going before, giving Warn-
ing of the difficult places, My Husband

and Moses Wilson Junr holding the Wag-
gon, the banks were so steep and sidling
that it appeared impossible to get along
without upsetting. in a while we cross-
ed another large branch of the Pine Creek, and
after traveling a piece further we got
stoped by the trees that were across the
Road, we then got help from one Boat-
mans, and it took 5 men near two
hours to open to Road to his House,
so as to get the Waggon along, tho it
was not half a Mile, here it looked
likely we must leave it, tho we en-
deavoured to hire help to go with us
to Kings Settlement
to assist in open-
ing the Road, but there were but two
families here, and no neighbours
near, and they busy planting corn &
nearly out of Provisation, and no Mill
within 20 miles, the Woman said she could
supply us with Milk and butter, but that
she had nothing else except a little Veneson