afflicted yet I was glad I was with
her, she appear'd so much in the inno-
cency, no anxiety manifested
ing her situation, her mind much
resign'd and a willingness
to comply
and act just as was thought best.
The day she deceas'd her pain much
abating, she lay more easy tho’ a
fever was still her companion which
so affected her mind as to
cause it to
be much affloat particularly when in
a doze. About three
Oclock she appear'd
in fervent supplication tho’ not clearly
understood, and frequently in the few
remaining hours that she continued
us her mind was similarly engag'd
not only interceding for
herself but others
which fully evinced that her day would
close in
peace. About this time her
hands and feet began to grow cold,
and her
pulse to beat more feebly tho’
very quick. I ask'd her if she knew