musing my heart was fill'd with a
ous illumination, and self so reduced, that
I felt willing
to make a full surrender of
my all, to the great and wise disposer of
but alass, this produced awful sensations;
and I was ready
to shudder at the prospect;
when unexpectedly and unsought for a
language reviv'd, “Fear thou not neither be
dismay'd. I will strengthen
thee, yea I will
help thee, my grace is sufficient for thee.”
the Divine consolation that fill’d my
breast.- Tho’ as to the outward
it might
look lonesome; being in the wilderness-
far from society-
some distance from the
house and nearly dark: yet had I been
the midst of my friends no outward
enjoyment could have been equal to
precious sweetness I then experienced--
my heart overflow'd
with gratitude-- any
subtle petitions asconded for the continu-
ations of his love, Tho’ felt unworthy of
the least of the multiplied
favours I am