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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Notes Kept of a Journey

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Some account of Rachel Coope
taken from notes that she preserv’d, from
her letters and from personal knowledge.

She was the daughter of Joshua

Edith Sharpless and was born the 3rd of the
5 mo 1771. About the 15th year of her age
her mother was taken from her by death,
and the charge of her father’s family as
housekeeper, very much devolv’d upon
her; the trial in both respects she very
sensibly felt, yet was enabled to con-
duct her charge with stability and pru-
dence, and bear the loss of her dear mo
ther, with a becoming fortitude. For
several years the charge of the family
rested upon her to which she attended
like one of riper age. She was cheerful in
her disposition, and of a lively active turn
of mind, which being seasoned with the
baptizing power of Truth, rendered her
company agreeable and instructive.