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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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spare it but he would get an order from the peace makers and would give him
an order on the superintendants but they would not exept his order for they see
his policy to get all his own orders and his sons answer, first they told Thomas
if he would get an order from the peace makers they would answer it the first
money that come into their hands, & he has got the order. we understand by accounts
from Albany

that John serjant & Capt. Hendrick has applied to the assembly for a years
annuity in advance we expected they would apply and directed the lawyer to
write to the Governer not to comply with their request as the mony is much wan-
ted in town to pay off those that kept the poor when they were over there was a great
Complaint a poor Widow that had kept a sick man untill his death to the amount
of fifteen dollars and all the money the land was sold for was gone and many
of them suffering for want now they paid the poor widow seven Dollars to relieve
present wants in advance thinking that better then to spend it in going to washing-
in that expencive way in the stage that thou may see that those that go
on business are not concern'd for the good of the nation but to gratify their
in drinking that they will in courage to fell more land to make business for them
and John serjant to them if it brakes up the town for we fear he gits to
large a share and think theres need for him or boath father & son to be brought
to a settlement but as those that are authorised to bring them to an account are
easily bribed that unless some that feels for their prosperity and good I have my
fears that the poor things will be broke up and many of them have their dwellings
sold and they no place left to cindle their fire but it appear there is a door open
for friends to step in by the Gouverner Speech to recommend them to be
put under the care of religious socsities to superintend for them and see that
they are not imposed upon by white people and whare they see the need of legistative
interference to apply for their assistance that I think as friends have to attend the
assembly they may see if their can be any thing done in that way that will be for
their good for I think if their cannot the prospect is very gloomy for us to be
of much use as the Indians boath in Brother Town and Stockbridge will many of them
join with the white people to hasten their destruction I have been the more
perticular in information believing this is the last oppertunity we shall have
to apply to the assembly that that will avail much Hank Soloman told me and
appeared to concerned that John sergent would brake up the town and I
for their prosperity I have ventured to inform thee altho in a very broken
way but my age & weakness may plead an excuse altho I always think an ex-
cuse of very little use the writing will speak for itself.

the above account that Soloman

give that he intendid to make void the
purchase of the land & old orchard by pertitioning to assemly the stackbrige
peace makers and superintendants have nett and they nor Soloman did not men-
tion anything about pertitioning that I think it will be best to say nothing
about it. we are in tolrable helth exept Thomas wife who
had been put to bed more in five weeks remains weak & feble I am
as well as can be expected & have preformed the visit to all the
families but four and them left by reason of rough traviling and it
remains so very warm & muddy I hope I shall not tire thy patience

shall conclude after desiring my best love to Hannah Eddy and
all enquiring friends they Husband in perticular remaining thy
assured friend John Dean