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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

Page out of 220
Dear Friend
Samuel Parsons

We attended to the Concern of Friends
Respecting the gore of Land lately sold by the Christian
Party to the State lying near the heart of the south or
Pagon Settlement, at the Oneida

, in Counsel we meet with
Joseph & Sarah Tolkiott & Phebe Field, which was very agreable to us
We found them very Desireous to make an exchange of land, so
We proseeded and surveyed it, found it had ben surveyed into
lots, and found Famelys on them, which was Disagreable to the Indians
it appeared also to us that it would prove very Injurous to them
unless an exchange could be made--they have signd a memorial
prepared as Directed, they ware well pleased and united--gave it
up entirely into the Care of Friends and Desired they would do the
best they could for them--Joseph Tolkiott takes charge of the
memorial and survey, the Spining and Weaving presents a
pleasing Prospect think well of its being encouraged--we allso
feel Desireous of having the same promoted at Onondaga

5th Mo. 10th 1812 Newhartford, from thy Friend
Joseph Frost

N.B. there has ben Deliverd to the school at the Oneida

5 foot wheels 1 great wheel 2 reals 1 Hatchet and about 87lb
of flax