Letter from the
Northern Missionary
SocietyOrganization Information to the Indian Committee
To the General Meeting of Friends in the City of New Yorkor such Committee as may have the manajement of missionary concerns
Respected Friends
The Northern Missionary Society
the necessity of communicating to you any improprieties on the part of
any of your members, and aspecially of those who, under the patronage of
your Society, are employed as missionaries among the Indians.
The situation of the poor pagans has been to us for a long
time a subject of
deep commisseration, and we felt bound by the most impor-
considerations to ameliorate their condition by every means within our
power. The most direct means of accomplishing this was, in our opinion,
the sending among them the precious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and
affording school-instruction to their children; and this, at a great
we have for several years carried into effect, and are happy to
believe with
considerable success, as it respects many individual Indians.
A missiona-
ry is to this day supported among the Oniedas
this society.
But we are not alone in feeling for the distresses of these benighted
people--their situation has been felt and acknowledged by others and
these by the society of Friends; and we sincerely rejoice in every
which has been made, or is now making, to give them the habits of
sobriety, moral and religious princile. We cannont, therefore,
but regret that
any thing should have taken place of a character, to say
the least of it, so im-
prudent, and so contrary to christian meekness and
decorum. The opposition
made to the discharge of the duties of our
missionary was doubtless calculated
to weaken the influence of any
exertions which can be made either by your
society or our own, and of
course will be long remembered with great concern.
The whole is submitted to the discretion of your society, praying
the Great
Head of the church to forgive whatever is amiss in the conduct of any
his professed desciples, and to hasten the blessed period, when he will mani-
fest the glory of his Kingdom in the universal spread of his religion, and
enlightening of those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death.
William Neill
Secretary Lansingburgh
February 27, 1812