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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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Indian Committee with John Barrow Treas.


1810 6 mo 10 To Cash p. Jn Dean p. order of Com. $125-- 7 m. 4 To Cash p. order from Absolem Hatfield 50-- 8.14. To Cash p. Jn. Griffin p. order of Com. 23.44 10.18. To Cash p. Dft from Abs. Hatfield 125-- 1811 4 m. 9 To Cash p Jn. Dean p. Jn. Murray 125-- 11. To Cash p. A. Hatfield p. Jn. Murray 75-- 11. To Cash p. S. Mott p. order Com. 10-- 5.10. To Cash p. Dft from A. Hatfield 200-- To Balance due Com. 107.45 $846.89 1811 5 m. 19. To Cash p R Povine p. order Com. 15.48


1810 5 m. 17. By Balance in my hands (reported $542.80 11 m. 16. By Cash Int. on P. G. Shuyvasants Bond 280-- By Balance of Int 24--9 $846.89 1811
5 m. 20 By Balance in my hands $107.45 15.48 $91.97

Interest Account.


$125 11.10 7.07 56 10.16 3--2 23.44 9.8 1--7 125 7.2 4.41 215 1.10 1.42 200 10 --33 $17.32 By $542 1.0.3 $32.83 280 6.4 8.58 $41.41 P.G. Shuyvasants Bond $4000 Int. paid Jn. Murray p. Noke 811 Int. due
from dates Jn. & Dixie 300 Int. due
from dates Jn. Roakes Noke 125 Int. due
from dates Onida Chiefs Noke 85 Int. due
from dates Philena Hunts Noke 50 Int. due
from dates E.E.
New York 5 mo 20. 1811 Jn. Barrow