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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Minutes of the Committee on Indian Concern No 1

Page out of 174

have progressed in that art, and they have proceed
ed to make Cloth for their families own use;
their example has introduced some of the men
to commence raising flax: we think that the
continuance of this business affords a prospect
of usefulness to that people; and we believe if
persevered in will gradually promote habits
of industry more generally amongst them.

The South settlement

of the Oneida Tribe
appears to have been gradually improving in
agriculture; some of this Tribe for a number
of years have refrained from ardent spirits;
they last summer convened in council and unitedly
agreed to refrain entirely in future from the
use of it. One of their women appears willing
to take charge of a spinning & knitting school,
on materials being furnished them for the
purpose, which the Committee has directed to be