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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Minutes of the Committee on Indian Concern No 1

Page out of 174

might be going on till way opens for some one else
to undertake it, or if they should prove qualified for
the undertaking, we have thought it might answer
to employ some other friends to attend to the farming
and general concerns, Absalom's

health being so
much impaired there is no probability of his being
able to answer the purpose another year; and if
a farmer is continued amongst them, it will be
necessary to provide one to take his place in the
Spring; and to be of much use to them in that line,
he ought besides other qualifications to be a thorough

The Onondaga Tribe

appear to be an industrious
sober people, having but little intercourse with the
white people around them, placing no confidence in
any but Friends. We think the way is quite open
and an encouraging prospect of Friends being useful
to them provided a suitable family could be got to
settle near them a convenient place for the