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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Minutes of the Committee on Indian Concern No 1

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appears that Joseph Frost

, Allan Mosher, Abraham
, Charles Willetts and Thomas Eddy are
added to the Committee; and by a minute of the
Womens Yearly Meeting that they have appointed
Margaret Richardson, Hannah Whippo, Ruth
, & Esther Lapham to the like service

A letter from some Chiefs of the Onondaga

Tribe was received and read, requesting the assistance
of the Committee in furnishing them with some Oxen
and farming utensils, & several friends having been
named to prepare an answer thereto, produced it to
the Committee which was approved, and is as follows,

Brothers and Sisters of the Onondago Tribe

Friends and Brothers

Your Letter was read in our
Council and hearts were made glad to find you
had listened to the voice of the Great Spirit in