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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Minutes of the Committee on Indian Concern No 1

Page out of 174
The 30th of the Month,

the Committee again met
The Members generally present

The friends appointed to prepare a report to the
Yearly Meeting, produced an essay which with some
alterations was approved; the Clerk is directed to
transcribe it; and Samuel Parsons

and Anne
are appointed to sign it on behalf of
the Committee & hand it to the Yearly Meeting
It is as follows

The Committee on the concern relative to
the Indian report -- that a visit has been
made in the course of the last Year by some
of their number to the Brothertown

Tribes, as also to a small Tribe at Onandaga

The Brothertown

Tribe consisting of about
three hundred individuals appear to live more
comfortably than in time past, the effects of