more comfortably on the fruits thereof-
Brothers! that you may be
able to keep these good
resolutions, we wish you to attend very
carefully to what the
good Spirit teaches in the heart, for it is
placed there as
a guide to show what to do and what to leave
undone and
to lead you and us to virtue and happiness agreeable
to what you will find written in that good book which
Brother sent you from over the great water. And altho'
you may not
now comprehend some of the mysteries con
tained in that excellent
book, yet, as you become more
and more disposed to listen to the
voice of the gret and
good Spirit in your hearts, your minds will
be enlighten'd to understand the things written
so far as is necessary for you-
We are also glad to find that the subject of
the education of your
Children preposed to you by our
friends who visited you last
summer, has been consider'd
by you, and that you are desirous to
have a school
establish'd amongst you- We wish to encourage
in this good work and shall willing by advise and assist
you in it, believing it of great importance to your
offspring whose
fertile minds like a well cultivated soil,