It has been considered as
a Duty by our Religious Society from the first
Settlement of Pennsylvania to labour and use
Endeavours to promote peace with the Indians
solely with a View to prevent
the Calamities
of War, and being informed that a Treaty is
like to
take Place with that people under thy Superintendance and
Direction, the Subject engaged the Attention
of our Meeting for
Suffering, with other
Friends from the different Quarters of our
Yearly Meeting, who on Deliberation
felt a Desire to unite any
Influence they
may have with on the Indians
with the general
Government to promote so good a Work --
An Address to the Indians was prepared
in the Year 1793 which was
forwarded by
some of our Brethren to the care of Alexr
McKee, a copy of which with something
additional has with the Consent of the
President & of Col Pickering been concluded
upon to be sent to
thy care with a small
Present of Goods as pr Invoice. We
the favour of thee to present deliver those Addresses
in the usual way with our particular present