grass, but they were so Worried with
Animals, that the did little but run about
until we got bushes
and kept them of.
If we stoped our horses one Minute in
some places in
the Woods, the Musche-
-toes would be on them in such swarms
as almost
to hide their natural Colour,
and none but those who have experienced
it the trial can rightly form an Idea, how trou-
blesome the
were to the Rider, I cou-
-vered my head, neck, and most of my
with my Silk handkerchief, laped
my Pocket do: around one of my hands
and with all the other defence I could
make was much bit and
Swelled with
them, -- When Night came an we got
no relief,
we took up our quarters, a-
-bout Sunset, beside a small stream
good Water, under the Boughs of an
Oak, and erected fires, in
places around us in order to smoke
them of, but with all our
defence we
were worried the whole night throug[h]