a Mile, make all there fires, and
other Kitchen Business, plant and take
care of their corn, and
gather it when ready,
Plant their Beans and stick them, and
as far as
I can learn all other out
doors work, except building their houses
Splitting the Rails that the Corn
Land is enclosed with. It has been a
busy time since we came here, the Wo-
-men have rose early, gone out
their hoes to the Cornfield 4 or 5 in a
Company, some of whom
where Old Gray
Headed Women, and some young ones of
8, 10, or 12 Years
of age, stuck pretty
Close to their Work, returned in the even-
weary, and go early to Bed. one
old Gray Headed Woman I have seen
steadily on the move, she has had both
her feet so froze that she goes
on her knees, I have seen her carrying
in wood and making
the fire, going to the Ri-
-ver and
Bringing up water, I have seen
take her hoe and go 40 pearches out to