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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal or Visit to Upper Canada and Parts Adjacent

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7th day the 18 checkPlace

a Cold frozen Morning
but we were Cleaned with a Clear
sun the most of the day, which we
esteemed a favour, having but few
such days for near three Weeks, there
are two Roads from this place to

, one flat, much of the way down the
Waters of the Cohocton tho and is very
deep and Miry, and scarcly at this
time passable, the other called the
Mountain Road, and was rightly
denominated, we thought it would
be better to encounter the Mountains
than the Mud, but truly such a Road
I never rid, it was about 15 miles
we had to encounter this Wild and
romantick sen scene which with all
the Industry we could use cost us six
hours hard Traveling, the whole
way was one continued Mountains
one after another, perhaps half or more
of a Mile up, and almost immedi-
-ately as far down, generally so steep