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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal or Visit to Upper Canada and Parts Adjacent

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6 day the 17 checkPlace

a Cold frozen night, and
a snowy day, this Morning was trying
and discouraging, set of by the way of

14 miles through a beautiful
wheat Country, not much under timber
here we got Coffee for breakfast for
the first time since we left Munsy
thence to Danville 17 miles over a very
Beautiful rich country we thought
much of it superior to any we passed
over and very Curiously situated hav
-ing an high steady ridge or Mountain
on our left, and the Connesscragy a
branch of the Genesee on our left and right with
a Beautiful Vale, the high hill and
Vale was like a dunghill, for richness abounding
with very large Walnut, Shellbark
Hickory with a Mixture of White Oak
Ash &c. the whole of the 17 miles abounds
with lively streams rushing with
great rapidity down from the sd.
mountain that every Plantation ma[y]
be sufficiently supplyed with Water and taken of the land with pleasure
lodged at Samuel Faulkners, where
we met with very good accommodations