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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal or Visit to Upper Canada and Parts Adjacent

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Rain so that it made it very unpleasant
and the bank, or hill down to the Table
Rock where we intended to have decended
was so Sleeted over with Ice that which proceeded that was produced
from the damp of the falls that it appear
-ed unsafe to go down, we had a pretty
fair prospect where we stood, being per-
-haps 50 feet above the water higher than where the great
pitch of the falls decended, it is hard
to discribe the appearance and motion
of the water it came down with great
rapidity to where it projected off, tho
we were informed that the sheet
was not the same thickness but appeared
in places was 16 feet thick
in places to be 16 or more feet, I could
>not see the place bottom of the sheet by reason
of the fog or mist that arose from the great fall of water, the we were informed that
one part of the pitch was within six is 4 or 5 pearches
feet father up the stream than it was
nine years ago and appears to be
gradually wearing, stoped at the Widow

who has an extraordinary Mer-
-chant and Saw Mill on the rapids about
80 pearches above the great falls, the
race is 80 pearches long taken out of the