with Livelyness and by 3 O Clock arived
at Buffaloe Creek in full view of
Erie 36 Miles.—--- after we
Crossed the
Genesee River the first 10
miles, mostly an
open plain, the timber for the next 8 or 10
increased, it being pretty much
Oak, Shelbark Hickory, some beech, and
Sugar Maple, the next 20 or more miles
a Very thick Wood mostly Beech,
Sugar Maple with some Beautiful White
Oaks, and Poplars, from
thence to the
Lake is in the general an
open Country
for 15 or more miles very little timber
either great or
small, the Cuntry is ve-
-ry level the whole 80 miles a few hills
excepted about some waters Creeks, there
being 4 or 5
Creeks in this last 80 m
nearly as large as Brandy
wine, the
fording place of some of them was
one entire
smothe Rock nearly as
level as an house floor, so that the water
not vary in depth more than 2 or 3 Inches
for side to side and fell within
two yards †
[an entire line is cut off the bottom of the page]