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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Joseph Moore's Journal

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tier as we wish, on account of our interpreter's sen-
timents and prospects differing in some respects so
widely from ours.


I was this day very poorly with a fever.—
We were visited by fourteen of the Indians that
came in the Ottoway, with one Shawnee, who find-
ing our doctor M'Caskey

had been with St. Clair's
at the time of the defeat, told him, you're
my friend, though you ran away from me once.

The commissioners are not yet arrived — we are
still in suspense, and weary of our long detention
here — though we are well supplied with provisions,
&c, and decently treated by our respectable land-
lord and landlady, as well as by the inhabitants in
general, being often invited to dine, &c. In the even-
ing I felt better and slept pretty well.


We are much confined within the narrow
limits of this small garrisoned town, where, the
streets being narrow, there is a want of air. A fa-
vourable opportunity presenting for a small tour on
the water, we, except William Savery

and William
, went in a boat, provided by our friend
William Baker, up the river about nine miles, to
Nathan Williams's, where we were kindly received,
and dined. His place is situate at the entrance of
Lake St. Clair. While here, Nathan gave us an ac-
count, that in digging a cave for a root house, they
found, about six feet below the surface of the
ground, large quantities of human bones, that must
have been for a long time there: and at another
place on the bank of the lake, it being washed away
when the lake was high, there were seen great
numbers of the same kind, which they gathered up
and buried. The Indians said they must have been