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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Joseph Moore's Journal

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Our landlord's boat set out for the river
Rushe, with grain, to the mill. I took passage
therein with William Savery

. Matthew Dolson
met us at the mill, and Williamreturned with him
in the evening; I stayed all night at Jacob Troxler's,
a Dutchman, who served his time in Jersey. The
people were as kind as it was in their power.


The boat with the cargo being ready, we
rowed most of the way home, being about ten
miles. This river is called Rushe, which signifies
red, and the water appears stained with something
which causes it to appear with remarkable red-


John Heckewelder

returned from Latrench
river; with him came a number of the Moravian
, who adhere to the religion of that family
of the brethren. We understand they suffered
much in the time of the late war, and since, — hav-
ing had a number of their friends killed by the
white people, with the loss of most of their sub-
stance, of which they had plenty while in their
peaceable habitations at Muskingum. They were
now in the sixth place of their retreat, in the Bri-
tish government
, and on good land. Our commis-
eration was excited by the above account, and we
granted some relief to the amount of one hundred
dollars, which they received thankfully.


The Indians are every day here, on their
way to the treaty. Twenty-eight are just arrived
from Michillimackinac

, some of whom I saw this
morning; they were well dressed, curiously painted,
and decorated with wampum, and ear and nose bobs;
all young, and the handsomest I think I have as
yet seen. They appeared good humoured and plea-