ment, our own government (in most respects,
latively excellent) is obliged to take a share. Ves-
sels fitted
out, commanded by men, with hearts cal-
lous to the feelings of humanity,
and deaf to her
cries — which repair to the African coast, stir up
burn towns, kill, catch, and carry captive, in-
discriminately, these poor,
and, as to them, altoge-
ther unoffending people — bring them to distant
different cities and towns, ringing with alarms for
sounding with hymns and psalms from
stately temples, where they offer their
devotion to
the universal Parent, who hath revealed his will in
language of "do justly, love mercy, and walk
humbly with thy God" —
professing to believe in
the Divine Lawgiver, whose statute is,
ever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye
even so unto
them." Instead whereof, they are sold
like beasts, at market; separated,
husband from wife,
children from parents; without regard to the
est ties of natural affection: often put under unfeel-
whippers, and cruel taskmasters, where they are
frequently starved, or whipt
to death — and if they
run away, and are caught, they have been hung
without trial or jury. Some who had procured their
liberty, have been
hunted with horses and dogs, and
shot down. While such enormities are in
the land,
and winked at by the rulers, shall we not lay our
mouths in
the dust, with this language impressed on
our minds, "O Lord! just, and
true, and righteous,
are thy judgments." I cannot omit remarking the
we feel, at the escape of a captive white, from
among the Indians; yet, what
a stir when a negro
slave attempts his liberty! advertisements printed,
and rewards offered to take him, alive or dead.