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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Jacob Lindley’s Account

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ly happens, that people get bewildered in this coun-
try, and sometimes lost, especially in cloudy wea-
ther. If they go but one mile in the woods, such is
the sameness of soil, timber, &c. with no mountains,
and few streams to guide them, they frequently take
the opposite direction from the settlement, and get
into difficulty.

We have lately heard of the arrival of a number
of Creek and cherokee Indians, in the neighbour-
hood of the Indian council; we fear, with views not
friendly to a peaceable accommodation of matters
with the western Indians. We have heard, hostili-
ties between them and the whites, have been renew-
ed to the southward. Great is the opposition, at
present, in the earth, to the peaceable kingdom of
Christ, our Redeemer. Under a sense of which, my
spirit bows with intercession, that Israel may abide
in their tents, where they will be covered, as under
the hollow of his divine hand, until his indignation
pass over.


I had an interview with Capt. George Wel-
, who appeared an intelligent, cool, dispassion-
ate man. He came with a detachment of Cherokee
and Creek Indians, from their towns in the southern
territory, he says, more than a thousand miles from
hence in a straight line; and that they were ninety
days on their journey. His principal business ap-
peared to be with Col. England, who immediately
gave orders for the sloop Felicity to sail, with Capt.
on board, to Fort Erie, on the way to Gov.
. Large rolls of intelligence were despatched
by him, containing, as we supposed, matters of im-
portance. Shortly before, Col. England assured our
friends, the Felicity was detained in the harbor on