tence or two of Latin, over
and over, all the way.
Indeed the whole of this religious parade,
to have more of Jewish ceremony, or Gentile super-
stition in
it, than Christian simplicity or gravity. —
They deposited the poor
tabernacle under the floor,
rung the bells, sung aloud, made their sanctum
torum resound, and then departed. Numbers of them
come to mass on
first-day, eight or ten miles, just
step in, and (they say) rhyme over
their paternoster,
dip their finger into the font, cross themselves,
out again, to drink and frolic.
I went on board the Ottoway, Capt. Cowan,
just arrived from Fort Erie, in hopes of hearing from
home; in
which I was disappointed. I found eigh-
teen Oneida Indians on board, with whom I
some conversation. The captain informed me, he
had put sixty on
shore at the mouth of the Miami,
on their
way to the Rapids, where, we are
ed, twelve hundred Indians are assembled. This
day we received a
letter from Colonel McKee, con-
friendly sentiments, and an assurance that
we should have timely notice of
the opening of the
treaty. We also received one from a young man
board the Chipaway, informing that Colonel
who was passenger with his Indians on board
Cowan's vessel, came on board
their vessel, and in
conversation in a select company, where he had no
suspicion, expressed, that if the commissioners should
propose, or even hint
any other terms than what
were concluded upon by the Indians, he would
think it strange, if every person from the colonies,
Quakers, and all, should be sacrificed
on the spot; for they know no
distinction, but their
own people. This, the young man communicated to