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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Jacob Lindley’s Account

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ny sung aloud. I saw them through the windows,
from our lodging. Many of them appeared sincere.
But oh! the clouds of lifeless ceremonies, of images,
pictures, water, wine, wafers; schemes of human
policy and earthly wisdom, operating as so many
veils which obscure the inshining of the rays of the
sun of righteousness, darkening counsel, to a sorrow-
ful degree, often amongst men in eminent stations.
Indeed, the veil of the covering, spread over all na-
tions, is only destroyed in proportion as we approach,
and ascend the Lord's peaceable, holy mountain, in
the purity of his saints, as little children, — where,
without cloud of ceremony, or mist of darkness or
unbelief, their angels do behold the face or appear-
ance of their Father in heaven, — they behold his
universal love, — in his pure fear, — in the awful at-
tributes of his righteous judgments, — and incompre-
hensible mercies, — more than heart can think, or
tongue can speak, — and, in abasement, they bow be-
fore the name of the Lord Jehovah, in whom sure-
ly, is everlasting strength, and to whom, I desire to
commit my cause, and commend my soul, with my
dear companion, and our tender babes, if we should
never more meet in this vale of tribulation.

Last night, about eleven o'clock, five or six guns
went off smartly one after another. The report
sounded unpleasant, especially, anticipating if it
should so happen at Sandusky, how it would pro-
bably alarm. I understand it was at some wolves,
which had destroyed a neighbour's sheep.


We were visited by a principal man of the
Wyandots, called the Blind Chief, with his nephew,
grand-son, and great-grand-son, a likely lad of twelve
years old. They were well dressed, and appeared