treaties and belts. Some
long and broad belts, he
said they had, that were intended, not only to
us by the hands, but clasp us by the arms, so that
no small
accidents should in future, be able to make
a separation. And that,
notwithstanding all that had
happened, the Wyandots felt some of the old
tion to possess their breasts, and he hoped we would
find it so
at the general Council: but could speak for
none but themselves. We desired
our interpreter,
J. Heckewelder, to assure him we possessed the
love and friendship for them, and for all other Indians,
that we,
or our forefathers, ever did — that our prin-
ciples had always restrained
us from making war
against them. But when we believed the govern-
was disposed to make peace with them, on
principles of justice, we were
willing to leave our
homes and near connexions, and at a great
undertake a long and hazardous journey, to endea-
vour to
promote it, and to be present at the conclu-
ding of so good a work. On
delivery of which, he
said, he knew long ago we did not fight, but
for peace. He then got up, and shook hands with
Friends, then sat
down, and spoke in substance as fol-
lows: That as we had come a long
journey, and were
all preserved in health, it was evident the
Spirit was pleased with our coming; and he hoped
some good would
be done, and that the Great Spirit
would bring us home in the same good
health, with
peace and joy. To which we replied, we were glad
of such an
opportunity to talk with him, and if the
great and good work of peace could
be effected, we
hoped we should return home with joy and peace;
was all the reward we wanted or looked for.
He asked whether it would be
disagreeable, if he