a sprightly British officer, I took the
liberty to men-
tion the possibility, that when the broils in France
should subside, the African slave trade be abolished,
and a permanent peace
concluded with our Ameri-
can Indians, all this globe might be at peace;
that swords (of which he had one by his side) might
be beaten into
ploughshares. He quickly replied,
he hoped not to see such a time, as it
would also
beat up his bread and butter, (meaning his living.)
are the views of too many, in this day.
A middle aged Indian, of the Delaware tribe, dined
with us. He talked a little English,
by which we
understood he was in possession of several sheets of
ancient writings; that he had heard of Friends, and
just faintly remembered
Z. Heston and John
being at their town. He said there were but
geholas, Pipe, and two other chiefs belonging to their
nation; that we might depend, if they said peace, it
would be peace; but if
they said war, it would be
war. Also said, we would find the middle
more faithful and manly than the Chipawas and
Wyandots; for they were
treacherous. I told him,
they had called us Shemochteman, or Big Knife,
said they wanted our scalps; at which he laughed.
Crossed the river, and went down the
ern bank four miles, to the house of John
where we had a solemn season, with a number
his neighbours, to the contriting of the hearts of di-
vers present.
Lodged with him that night.
This morning had a religious
in his family, in which, and the preceding meeting,
John Parrish was favoured, in an
manner. After parting with them, we walked up
the river
about a mile, called at the house of Francis