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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Jacob Lindley’s Account

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Passed the mouth of Cuyahoga river, forty
or fifty miles above Presque Isle. The scene rather
dull. No variety appearing, neither fish, fowl, nor
any thing else, save a few gulls flying this morning,
over the waters of this formidable ocean, which has
a barren prospect.


A gentle breeze from south west, made our
progress toward Detroit tedious, yet afforded time
for conversation and contemplation. There being
representatives of five different Indian nations on
board; some French, British, German, Scotch, and
American United States men; some soldiers, sailors,
merchants, mechanics, and farmers. Yet, notwith-
standing all the variety of prospects and interests,
a perfect harmony and decorum were observed. In
the observation of which, my faith and hope were a
little revived in the approach of that glorious day,
when thousands and tens of thousands, yea, nations
and kingdoms, shall repair to Zion's holy and peace-
able ensign; notwithstanding the many opposing
strong holds of mystery Babylon, yet held up and
maintained, in the strong reasoning part of the na-
tural, fallen wisdom of man.

9th of 6th month,

and first of the week. Last
night was a solemn, awful season. The preceding
day was very warm. The thermometer at eighty.
A little before sunset, the wind lulled into a per-
fect calm. A dark cloud arose south westward, and
slowly approached us. About midnight it came on,
with terrible wind, thunder and lightning,—to a
humbling degree to me and the rest, more especially,
as we had fifty barrels of gunpowder on board, and
between eighty and ninety passengers, divers of
whom had been fierce warriors, both Indians and