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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Jacob Lindley’s Account

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a few strokes with his paddle to no effect, then
wrapped his head in his blanket, and laid down in
his canoe, to meet his horrid destiny. He was found
two miles below; but none of his bones were broken.

Here I saw the skin of a porcupine, an animal
about as large as a well grown ground hog, with a
bushy tail, and claws like that animal. His body
interspersed with a vast number of stiff, pointed
quills; which are its defence when attacked. Here
is a beautiful odoriferous little tree, called the Balm
of Gilead. It resembles the lombardy poplar. Here
also, the juniper abounds. They are natives of this
latitude. Gooseberries and currants of divers colours
and kinds, are found here.

My route in all, thus far, seven hundred and
twenty-one miles.


A wet day—which is a blessing to the earth
and its inhabitants hereaway, as it has been exceed-
ing dry.

30th. Joseph Moore, John Elliott and myself,
went about two and a half miles, to visit that phe-
nomenon in nature — the great Falls of Niagara,
whose thunders, for several days, had with awful-
ness reached mine ears. When I approached this
tremendous cataract, it truly appeared amazing, and
with the voice of thunder, proclaimed the majesty
of its sublime Architect. When we came to the mar-
gin of the river below the falls,
we descended the
almost perpendicular bank, by several windings,
from one rock to another, and with the aid of seve-
ral Indian ladders, at length reached the surface of
the water, I suppose at least one hundred and fifty
feet below the summit. The irregular position of
multitudes of huge rocks, which no doubt had tum-