', in Cam-
den County, N. Carolina, a place
where never had been held one of our
Meetings, and but few of the people who ever had attended at one.'s; These seemed a kind
people, much
unacquainted with our way, and many hearts were tendered: I believe it was
a time not to be forgotten by some.
Place Inoformation
We had a large and solid meeting at the Widow Britts
Person Information
den County
Place Inoformation
Place Inoformation
Meetings, and but few of the people who ever had attended at one.
The next day also we had a large and favoured meeting in the same
County, at
the widow Richardson
Person Information
unacquainted with our way, and many hearts were tendered: I believe it was
a time not to be forgotten by some.
, we attended Friends
preparative meeting: Here I had close
Labour, things appearing in a low state: I endeavored to stir them up to a
more lively Zeal for the cause and Testimony of truth; which they ap-
peared to receive well. On the next day was the Select Meeting at
the same place, for their Quarterly Meeting. My concern was to stir
up to the pure part on the right education of Children and Families,
that becoming plainness might be kept to, and they be good examples
themselves, in their houses, furniture &c. --- The day follow-
ing was held their Qu.ly Meeting for business: Here, I believe the State of
my friends in a religious sense was poor, but little life & power: I lab-
oured both amongst Men and women in my small ability, for their help,
and I hope it ended to some profit at last: tho' a trying time.
Place Inoformation
At Piney-Woods
Orgnization Information
Labour, things appearing in a low state: I endeavored to stir them up to a
more lively Zeal for the cause and Testimony of truth; which they ap-
peared to receive well. On the next day was the Select Meeting at
the same place, for their Quarterly Meeting. My concern was to stir
up to the pure part on the right education of Children and Families,
that becoming plainness might be kept to, and they be good examples
themselves, in their houses, furniture &c. --- The day follow-
ing was held their Qu.ly Meeting for business: Here, I believe the State of
my friends in a religious sense was poor, but little life & power: I lab-
oured both amongst Men and women in my small ability, for their help,
and I hope it ended to some profit at last: tho' a trying time.
, being a
second time: and was at Meeting
there on first day, which I believe ended well. And in the after-
noon had a Meeting in the Court-house of Pasquotank County; at
which were many people, of black and White; It was a season of
Place Inoformation
I went from hence to Little-River
Orgnization Information
there on first day, which I believe ended well. And in the after-
noon had a Meeting in the Court-house of Pasquotank County
Place Inoformation
which were many people, of black and White; It was a season of